The Liquid Staking Derivative DEX of DeFi
ShadeSwap is a privacy-preserving AMM built on Secret Network that is front-running resistant by default. ShadeSwap offers asymmetric concentrated liquidity, allowing for the most efficient staking derivative swaps in all of DeFi. ShadeSwap features the following:
Private Trading
Front-Running Resistant
Asymmetric Concentrated Liquidity
Protocol Owned Arbitrage
Stablecoin Pairings
Unified Router Liquidity
ShadeSwap pools and integrations are unified by SILK, a private, collateralized reflexive stablecoin pegged to a basket of global currencies and commodities.
ShadeSwap: Private Trading, Asymmetric Concentrated Liquidity.
Automated Market Maker (AMM)
Automated market makers are smart contracts that empower users to trade token pairs without needing to interact with other traders and market makers as (often centralized) counter parties. In essence, an AMM changes the form of trading from peer-to-peer to instead peer-to-contract, creating a decentralized and censorship resistant trading system for anyone in the world to interact with. Each token pair (e.g., SILK/SHD) are their own smart contract for users to trade with.
AMMs are free of order books and order types. Instead, formulas determine asset prices.
Using AMMs, users do not need another party or trader to make a trade. Instead, users interact directly with that contract, which make the market for the user. Hence the name Automated Market Makers. AMM liquidity is provided by liquidity providers ("LPs").
DEX Problems
Decentralized exchanges (DEXs) to date suffer from a range of issues with respect to sustainability and usability. Some of these key problems are as follows:
Miner Extractable Value (MEV)
Trading Privacy
Arbitrage Value Outflow
Pricing Accuracy
Fractured Routing Liquidity
Integration Incentives
Miner Extractable Value (MEV)
Miner Extractable Value is the process by which arbitrage entities insert their trade transactions in front of a user in anticipation of their trade - resulting in micro profits that the user suffers from in the form of greater slippage. This front-running process is made possible because to date, the majority of blockchain mempools are public by default.
ShadeSwap solves this problem by being built on Secret Network - a private-by-default blockchain which has an encrypted mempool as well as privacy-preserving smart contracts (known as "secret contracts").
Entities are unable to front-run trades on ShadeSwap because trades are kept encrypted, preventing front-runners from extracting profits in a risk free manner at the cost of the user.
Trading Privacy
Tokens that are listed on ShadeSwap use the Secret Network SNIP-20 to SNIP-25 token standard. This token standard empowers private by default transactions where the only visible data is that user A interacted with contract address B. The amount of funds moved as well as where the destination address is are kept encrypted within the publicly visible JSON file storing the data.
By using ShadeSwap, users who interact with ShadeSwap are trading tokens that protect their transaction privacy by default while simultaneously protecting their trades.
Arbitrage Value Outflow
Arbitrage is defined as capitalization on inefficient markets. Inefficient markets are simply when two markets list the same asset at different prices. Arbitrage happens all the time, and everywhere that there are markets. Arbitrage is essential for markets to be fair, and it ensures users are receiving the same price for the asset regardless of where you are trading. Arbitrageurs are rewarded for providing this service to consumers in the form of risk free profits (assuming transactions execute and gas is not expended in the process).
Using protocol owned arbitrage and permissioning, Shade Protocol directly arbs price disparities every time a user executes a trade on ShadeSwap. Users earn a portion from the arb profit incurred from the user's impact on the market, and the protocol keeps the rest. In essence, the service and revenue is created and captured by both the user and protocol instead of external entities.
Pricing Accuracy
With protocol owned arbitrage executing on every trade on ShadeSwap, the protocol is guaranteed to have arbitrage for every conceivable trade. This means ShadeSwap will have extremely accurate pricing as the protocol is no longer dependent on external actors to maintain accurate pricing. This will empower ShadeSwap to become a source of truth for pricing any asset traded on the DEX.
Fractured Routing Liquidity
DEXs struggle with having deep liquidity that their trade router can leverage - often times using their native governance token as the primary pairing. Unfortunately, the volatility of these governance pairs increase the risk of impermanence loss - increasing the required incentives in order to attract liquidity. Additionally, liquidity providers are more likely to sell off the accrued governance token to offset the risk introduced from these pairings, which decreases the collective value of the liquidity across the entire DEX.
Shade Protocol solves this by using SILK as the primary pairing for liquidity pools on ShadeSwap. Because SILK is a stable asset, this significantly decreases the amount of risk a liquidity provider has to take. Consequently, this decreases the amount of incentive emissions that must be used to attract liquidity on the DEX. Finally, because SILK is the primary pairing, the router is able to easily elicit high value trades through the router.
By having Shade's native stablecoin at the center of the DEX, ShadeSwap has a massive sustainability advantage compared to other DEXs. This is just touching the surface of what interconnected DeFi applications can unveil.
Integration Incentives
Tokens are a key part in determining the incentives of integrations. Here are a list of diverging integration incentives that emerge from primitives having different tokens:
Brand dilution
Lack of revenue share
User capture dilution
UI/UX integration friction
Because Shade Protocol is an array of connected privacy-preserving DeFi applications, multiple Shade Apps can all work together to make the brand stronger, share revenue, retain users, all while creating a seamless UI/UX experience. While Shade Protocol is happy to interact with 50/50 incentive splits (often considered an industry standard on DEXs), the protocol will be biased towards the net positive that is directly integrating products with itself.
ShadeSwap is a futuristic DEX focused on privacy, sustainability, and deep liquidity. Leveraging the full product suite of Shade Protocol, ShadeSwap will provide key DeFi services to users around the globe - unlocking access to millions of users around the globe, all while driving SILK adoption and utility.
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