Staking LP tokens is an industry standard as a means of providing additional incentives for liquidity providers to provide their liquidity. To date, the majority of DEXs require users to lock up their LP tokens in a rewards smart contract for a duration of time. The reason for this is to have the user become bonded to their LP position to deepen liquidity in the respective market.
ShadeSwap understands the importance of providing additional rewards to its liquidity providers both from the protocol and Shade's partners. However, Shade Protocol respects the liberty of its users. Therefore, ShadeSwap has Instant Unbonding for withdrawing staked LP tokens!
ShadeSwap does not require liquidity providers to lock up their tokens when staking. The user is free to unstake at any given point, instantly!
How to Stake LP Tokens
Staking LP tokens on ShadeSwap is simple to do, follow the below guide to get started.
The liquidity pools screen will be featured directly on the "Pools" tab.
Search through the list of supported liquidity pools.
Now click on a liquidity pool that you want to provide to.
Note: Since Shade Protocol is built on Secret Network, this enables modular privacy for the end user. This means that you may need to click "View Balance" and sign a wallet transaction in order to see your token balance.
Note the two options when clicking "Provide":
Mint LP Shares + Stake: Earn further rewards by staking your LP token in Shade's reward contract.
Note: You can unstake your LP tokens instantly at any time!
Mint LP Shares: Hold onto your LP tokens and only collect trading fees.
If you choose "Mint LP Shares + Stake", then you will seamlessly stake your LP tokens!
If you choose "Mint LP Shares", you can manually stake your LP tokens by pressing the “Stake” button. This will prompt a standard wallet transaction.
How to Unstake LP Tokens
Unstaking LP tokens on ShadeSwap is simple to do, follow the below guide to get started.