How to Enter and Exit Liquidity Pools
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To get started, visit ShadeSwap
The liquidity pools screen will be featured directly on the "Pools" tab.
Search through the list of supported liquidity pools.
Now click on a liquidity pool that you want to provide to.
Note: Since Shade Protocol is built on Secret Network, this enables modular privacy for the end user. This means that you may need to click "View Balance" and sign a wallet transaction in order to see your token balance.
Ensure that you already own one or two of the assets in the chosen liquidity pool.
Choose whether you want to provide both tokens to the liquidity pool, or one single token to the liquidity pool (known as single-sided liquidity providing).
Note: That you may need to click "Approve" and sign a wallet transaction in order for the smart contract to use your assets.
Execute your liquidity provision by pressing the “Provide” button. This will prompt a standard wallet transaction.
For more advanced traders, click the Gear icon on the top right for more trade settings.
Liquidity Providing Tool Tips
Single-Sided Liquidity Providing (SSLP): Refers to providing one single asset in the liquidity pool. On the backend, the user's asset is partially swapped to provide into the pool, making a more seamless user experience.
Custom LP Ratio: Refers to providing a custom ratio of assets in the liquidity pool. On the backend, the user's asset is swapped to the given ratio and provide into the pool.
Expected Shares: Expected amount of Liquidity Provider tokens (LP tokens) received in exchange for the liquidity provided.
Minimum LP Shares: Refers to the minimum predicted output from the liquidity provision. This takes into account the potential slippage you may encounter.
Asset Refunded: Single-sided liquidity assets are swapped resulting in a deposit ratio which may not match the current liquidity pool ratio. Extra tokens which would not contribute to your pool share are refunded back to the user.
Slippage Tolerance: Refers to the maximum amount of slippage you will tolerate in a given swap transaction. If the swap has an actual slippage greater than the slippage tolerance, the transaction will fail.
Pool Ownership: The percent of the total pool LP shares that the user will own.
Note: You will have the option to stake when entering a pool. Read more about staking here.
To get started, visit ShadeSwap:
The liquidity pools screen will be featured directly on the "Pools" tab.
Search through the list of supported liquidity pools for your pool position, or toggle "Only show my pools".
Now click on the liquidity pool that you want to withdraw from.
Ensure that you click the toggle to "Withdraw Liquidity"
Choose whether you want to withdraw your liquidity position and receive two tokens from the liquidity pool, or receive one single token from the liquidity pool (known as single-sided withdrawing).
Execute your liquidity withdrawal by pressing the “Withdraw” button. This will prompt a standard wallet transaction.
For more advanced traders, click the Gear icon on the top right for more trade settings.
Note: You will have the option to unstake when exiting a pool. Read more about unstaking here.
Withdrawing Liquidity Tool Tips
Expected Received: Expected amount of tokens (LP tokens) received from withdrawing the provided liquidity.
Minimum Asset Received: Refers to the minimum predicted output from the liquidity provision. This takes into account the potential slippage you may encounter.
Slippage Tolerance: Refers to the maximum amount of slippage you will tolerate in a given swap transaction. If the swap has an actual slippage greater than the slippage tolerance, the transaction will fail.
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