How to bridge to Secret Network

How to bridge to Secret Network on the Shade App

  1. Go to the Bridge page

  2. On the “From” drop down, select the chain you want to bridge your assets from

  3. In the “To” drop down select "Secret"

  4. Your wallet addresses will auto populate

  5. Select the Asset from the chain that you want to bridge to in the drop down

  6. Select the total amount of tokens

  7. Click Bridge and approve the transaction

To learn more about the Shade Bridge feature click here. To learn how to bridge your assets FROM Secret Network to another chain here.

If you're new to our app, check out our #ShadeGuide playlist for additional tutorials to help you get familiar with the Shade app and become a pro user. We have videos that will walk you through all the features step-by-step.

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Last updated